Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Week 66 in LA--Greeeat News!

This week has gone pretty well so I will just give some cool highlights from the week! 

This week I found out that I am gluten intolerant, so now more bread, cereal, etc. 😭

We had a Christmas Devotional as a mission and we had a good meal and took some pictures. The best part was they let us watch a movie. The movie they showed us was Coco, the new Disney movie (well new to me). It was super good!

I also got a transfer call. I have been assigned to be a Zone Leader in the same zone I am in now. I am excited for it! 

Have a great week, love you all! 

Elder Cox 

1. President and Sister Haynie 
2. Look at the ocean

Zach's email home to me (mom):
Hey, I got the transfer call and I will be going to a new area as a Zone Leader. I will be in Woodland Hills Ward which is the same stake as I am currently in. My companion is Elder Leavitt . I am super excited to be with him. So I also have some crazy news to tell you...... So after Thanksgiving at the Norris's I got really sick and I didn't know what it was so I decided to check if I have any allergies. So I stopped drinking milk, then went back and I was fine. So next was gluten. I was off it for a week and then I ate a subway foot long and I got destroyed again with bad diarrhea. So I called the mission nurse and she said that I am gluten intolerant which is crazy. I am pretty shocked still and I tested it again a different day and it's true. So that means no more bread 😂. But other than that I am in great spirits and excited for the new transfer. I love you and yes we have crock pots out here our mission bought a ton of them. So send recipes that don't use gluten! 

Elder Cox 

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